Thursday, August 16, 2012


When living in an area such as Montana, where each season is so different, you come to appreciate the highlights of the seasons. Summer means warm days and cool nights where an open window replaces air conditioning. It means hiking in the mountains and swimming in the lakes. We love picking huckleberries and have our favorite 'somewhat secret' spot.

Of course, summer means colorful flowers in the garden which leads to fresh bouquets in the house. 

Summer means bird watching.

Summer means the 'dog-days' of August when we have some 90 degree days and often some smoke in the air from forest fires.

We have been working on a new book - writing directions, drawing illustrations, photographing, and editing, editing, editing!
  We are enjoying the season, celebrating some summer birthdays, visiting with family, and we try to stop occasionally to smell the flowers! 

Talk later,
Susan & Sally 

1 comment:

Barb Neiwert said...

Love your summer pictures! You nailed it. Except here in Idaho those forest fires are filling all our days/nights with heavy, heavy smoke. So I am praying for snow!